Applying THE 21st CENTURY LEARNING in elementary lays on building a new learning concepts on the learner’s mind. Students who are born as digital natives need supportive learning atmosphere that meets their needs. In facing this, teachers at GROWING KID SCHOOL are prepared to develop students’ 21st century learning skills through activities and academic lessons programmed in this level.

About GKS Elementary
Elementary is for kids at 6 to 12 years of age. The learning activities of this level are designed to be more comprehensive and challenging for active children at their age. The curriculum applied at this level is a combination of the Government State Education Standard aligned with GKS updated educational program to meet a qualified performance of the students’ abilities in the future.
Children in this level are challenged and supported into various aspects of learning. Both The Academic and Non-Academic Programs of this level are presented with the application of learning style approach and many researched-based learning strategies.
Having a variety of classroom activities, students are engaged in 21st century-life skills that enable them to think critically, observe analytically, solve problems, evaluate information, communicate effectively, and manage a collaborative works with others. To do many collaborative projects, students at this age are also encouraged into develop their positive personal characters, creativity, and social tolerance.
The main Academic Subjects programmed by our national government along with our additional subjects like, ENGLISH, MANDARIN, SCIENCE, MATH, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, etc. are all composed to be delivered using the 21st century learning in class. Students learn to develop their scientific skills by experiencing how to observe things, how to analyze or synthesize problems, and how to apply data in the real-world problem. They’re all guided to construct their creative ideas through group work projects, pair work, or even class performance in fostering their social skills. To build their communication skills, students are encouraged to ask critical questions, hold class discussion, and presentation which also give them an experience to listen to others and understand what others meant/expect from them. The learning program in the elementary levels are also equipped with the experiences in using technology. Students are given opportunities to design their own blog, explore the functions of social media applications, and create their multimedia presentation in class. In this elementary level, the knowledge of character development is also programmed into practical subject where students learn about self-discipline, social manners, kindness, friendship, truthfulness, appreciation, generosity and others. Students are stimulated to nurture their good characters by involving them into a real-practical activity in the society by visiting orphanage, elderly house, that enable them to be a whole human in life.