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About GKS Kindergarten

Kindergarten program is for children at the age of 4 to 6 years old. In this level, children are given more opportunities to develop their abilities. As children grow to be adventurous learners, the learning programs at this level are designed to be more challenging for them.

The curriculum constructed for this level accommodates more areas of development. The two main programs both Academic and Non Academic apparently support the needs of nurturing children to be a whole adventurer.

Academic Programs

The Academic Programs offer many learning areas such as: language and literacy, logical mathematics knowledge, reasoning scientific knowledge, computer adaptive skill, moral values understanding, physical body exercise, art and craft project based learning. Using learning style approach, children in this level are scheduled to experience these activities every day in order to identify their comfortable style of learning.

Non-Academic Programs

The Non-Academic Programs are also provided for children at this level where every child has his/her own choice of activities adjusted to his/her innate capabilities and talent. These non-academic programs cater different side of learning which foster children’s social skills, develop their bodily kinesthetic skill, build their self-confidence and also improve their self-help skills. Various non-academic activities programmed in this level are kids sport, kids yoga, art and craft, lego building, ballet, dancing, singing, science club, and many others.

The subjects area taught in this level are:

Bahasa Indonesia
Art & Craft