Learning to sew means you’re gaining a valuable skill – one which could be a lifesaver in certain situations. Research has shown time and time again how engaging in hands-on activities like sewing can help reduce stress and enhance creativity. By mending and repurposing garments instead of buying new ones, you’re playing a part in reducing waste and promoting sustainable
Kegiatan Field Trip Kindergarten di Cimory dairyland Prigen. Siswa/i kindergarten belajar mengenal hewan dengan berinteraksi secara langsung, selain itu siswa/i juga diajarkan untuk berani.
Kegiatan upacara 17 Agustus untuk menumbuhkan rasa nasionalisme, patriotisme dan cinta tanah air, serta merupakan bukti bahwa kita adalah bangsa yang merdeka. Upacara ini juga sebagai penghormatan kita kepada para pahlawan yang telah berjuang untuk kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Students will practice to identify and classify objects into different categories, using simple sorting activities with objects. Learning about living thing and non-living thing. It’s not just about science but also fostering their observation and critical thinking skills.
Growing Kid School held a school orientation day where students got to know their friends/teachers/staff , learned about school policies, and played games to get closer to their friends. Hopefully, after having this orientation, students start building their relationships and learn to get along with people around them.
From stories you can insert good values that may change mindset, develop characters/ morals, build kids imagination, acquires more vocabulary, expand vivid imagination from spoken words and many more.
It’s one of our program for the 4th and 5th grade students. We develop our students competence to be independent, able to work in a team and have self-management skill during the day. Students at those ages are given real life experiences to build a shelter (tent), do farming, bathe and have team building activities.
Perayaan tahun baru Imlek , anak-anak Growing Kid diajak untuk mengenal serba serbi perayaan Hari Raya Imlek dan membuat hidangan tangyuan, art&craft berupa lampion dan hiasan berbentuk naga.
Acara GK’s Got Talent merupakan agenda akhir tahun sekolah Growing Kid untuk ajang pertunjukan bakat seluruh siswa-siswi. Peserta yang telah lolos seleksi tahap audisi dan penyisihan akan tampil di babak final yang diselenggarakan di salah satu mall Surabaya. Tahun 2023 ini, finalist tampil di Galaxy Mall 3. Selain penampilan dari finalist, juga ada perform kelas dan games. Kami